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Master Serq

A member registered Jan 24, 2019

Recent community posts

What happens when I bought the models from Tarasov3d before it was deleted and you changed the name?

Hey there again. New question, Can I make one part of a map to look like one of the sample maps in my game to be an Easter egg for your assets?

Quick question. Can I make sprites of the NPC clothes that work with all the Base and Combat sprites, could I then sell them if it matches all the requirement for your guidelines?

Okay so a pointer here.
Some people may get a headache or migraine from playing you game for to all.
I would set the background to a different plane and set its speed slower then you are moving at. The player movement is okay and is responsive. Having it go to a new screen with a score or play again would make it better. And having sound pause when you die would be great.

Hi just a quick question, can I use the tiles sets as a set up to design 3d versions of them for my game?

Okay so I do not want to bust your bubble, but if a game is put in Public Domain people can rip the sprites from it if they also put it in PD. I think you meant to not put it there.

Can I also use a different engine other then RPGMaker

Hi if I buy any and all of your packs can I use them in a game for me to sell and can I alter the icons to suit the style of game.. Ie having run down buildings and over growth. I will credited all icons by you and if you want I can give you the altered icons to give out for free.